It is almost time for us to open up again since the closure from covid-19. Although many of us will have a feeling of uncertainty surrounding the ‘new normal' we are very much looking forward to getting back to what we do best – playing!
Due to covid 19 we have had to make many changes to our usual playgroup set up. Parents/carers will no longer be able to access the playgroup building – only the playgroup garden to drop off and pick up your child(ren). We will require all children and their families to access the school grounds from the park, side entrance only – this will give you a direct route to the current playgroup room and minimise congestion. The playgroup garden will have a route marked out that we request everyone follow to assist with social distancing and make a safe drop-off and pick up area.
Staff will welcome all children and their families at the playgroup door – wearing appropriate PPE in the instance that social distancing cannot take place ( a children requires to be physically handed over).
Staff are not required to social distance from children, so rest assure your child will still receive the same level of care, affection and support they always have. PPE when with children in playgroup will not be necessary unless a child is experiencing corona virus symptoms.
If your child(ren) is unwell for any reason and/or is presenting corona virus symptoms, please refer to NHS guidelines and do not bring them to playgroup. Playgroup has all the necessary PPE equipment needed to look after a child presenting symptoms until they can be collected safely.
Playgroup have increased our already well established cleaning and hygiene routines in order to protect our little learners. Ventilation will be increased to allow for the reduction of touching door handles and promote air flow.
We must request that children do not bring toys or items from home to minimise the risk of the spread of infection. We understand some children especially those who have not been to playgroup may benefit from a transitional toy/object from home if this is necessary please make sure this is small enough to fit into your child’s bag and individual tray.
Children must bring a bag with a change of clothes – playgroup can no longer supply our own changes of clothes in case of any accidents. If your child is in nappies or pull ups these must also be supplied, playgroup will supply wipes and nappy bags.
This is a strange time for all of us and we are all learning together how to make a safe environment to support, encourage and develop our little learners.